Emergency Dial : 911

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Dear Neighbor,

In order to be ready and equipped to respond to your needs, Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company operates a Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) twenty-four hours per day seven days a week. Staffing on this ambulance includes a paramedic and an emergency medical technician (EMT) who treats illnesses and injuries and transports patients to the hospital. 

By subscribing to the annual Ambulance Service Membership, residents can be prepared for medical emergencies, save money, and support the fire company.

The 2025 Ambulance Service Membership includes:

  1. Unlimited emergency basic life support (BLS) transport.
  2. Two routine transports provided by Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1. Please understand that these transports are handled on a “Crew Available Basis” and are limited to 10 patient load miles. For transports over 15 miles, a discount is offered to members. Routine transports must be medically necessary. It is IMPERATIVE that you request Loyalsock for non-emergency transport. If you fail to designate Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 as your provider, another ambulance service may be dispatched resulting in a bill.  Your ambulance membership DOES NOT cover this cost and Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 will not be responsible in paying bill for outside services. Should a crew not be available for your non-emergency transport, a mutual aid ambulance will respond. You may be billed by the other service. Again Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 is NOT responsible for these charges.
  3. Insurance deductibles and co-pays.

The 2025 Ambulance Service Membership does NOT Cover:

  1. More than two routine transports.
  2. Long distant transports.
  3. Charges for services provided by a mutual aid ambulance or fee for service company. 

Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 reserves the right to bill any third-party health insurance company. 

To ensure your emergency service coverage, please complete the attached form and return it with a check (family: $100.00 or individual: $75.00) to:

                                                          Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1

                                                          715 Northway Road

                                                          Williamsport, PA 17701

If you have any questions, please feel free to call: 570-323-3603 between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM Monday through Wednesday. Please remember that all memberships expire on December 31st of that year (example: December 31, 2024).

Thank you for your support of the Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Service Membership Address
This is the address where your membership will be billed and occupants identified will be primarily living. **This must be an address in Loyalsock Township.**
Service Membership Levels
This information will be shared with Lycoming County 911 Center to best assist our company and fellow mutual responders to gain authorized access to your residence. Access will only be granted when you request our services or call 911 for an emergency.
Statement of agreement
Terms are stated in the Ambulance Service Membership Letter. Loyalsock Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 is not responsible for paying service fees, bills members receive from third-party, or bills from other ambulance services or third-party fee for service companies. In addition, I understand that a service fee is charged for electronic submission of membership application.