778 Response
891 Response
2920 Response
877 Response
Firefighter – EMT
Matthew Abbey Tyler Andrus Shawn Bastian
Michael Betts Timothy Boush William Carlucci
Richard Caschera Jr. Richard Caschera III Susan Swank-Caschera
Joey Foster Mike Gardner Jamie Gilbert
Timothy Gilbert Buddy Hessert Matthew Hill
Breyann Johnson Connie Levan Paul Lester
Allen McKinley Thomas Miller Mike Minnier
Michael Phelps Josh Phillips Daniel Rumsey
Robert Scott Trevor Stroble Stephanie Tempesco
Irvin Temple Luke Wahlers Chad Weaver
Charles Wentzell Andrew Whelan
Rick Ault Anthony Barbella Justin Fetter
Chris Guthrie Natalie Johnson Ron Kennedy
Brendan Kriner Christopher Kriner Ted Kriner
Zoey Lester Alex Levan Jayden O’Conners
William Miller Frank Pile James Place
Chip Plankenhorn Lee Powell Jake Schreckengast
Wayne Simon Timothy Turner Randall Wright
Griffin Brown Amanda Dangle Susan Garison
Elizabeth Minnier Jerry Webb Eleni Wise
Junior Firefighter
Carleigh Cramp Bradley Gower Jordan Rumsey
Scene Support
Sharon Cuda Evan Eltringham Thomas Gamonn
David Hornberger Gerard “Kaden” Jones Andrew Paulhamus
Mike Rickard Daniel Strailey Denise Wentzell
Fire Police
Brian Bubb Tim Herritt John McKinney
Richard Parker Sr.
The following members have provided over 22 years of service to the citizens of Loyalsock Township and our neighboring municipalities. Their dedication to our company has set the foundation for our future and we remember their legacy.
William Miller 1959
Chet Harbach 1965
John Burkholder 1965
Ted Kriner 1966
Don Butler 1969
Richard Miller 1969
Randall Write 1971
Richard Ault 1972
William Carlucci 1973
Frank Pile 1973
Robert Garison 1975
Irvin Temple 1975
Buddy Hessert 1976
Thomas Miller 1977
Michael Philbin 1977
Brian Bubb 1979
Richard Caschera 1979
David Hornberger 1980
Susan Swank- Caschera 1982
Susan Garison 1982
Timothy Boush 1983
Allen McKinley 1983
Michael Betts 1984
Michael Gardner 1986
David Updegraff 1987
Michael Minnier 1990
Chip Planehorn 1992
Wayne Simon 1992
Richard Parker Sr. 1994
Paul Lester 1996
Michael Rickard 1996
Jamie Gilbert 1999
Charles Wentzell 1999
Russel Price 2001
James Foucart 2024
715 Northway Road
Williamsport, PA 17701