Susquehanna Mutual Aid Response Team (S.M.A.R.T) was established in August 2022 in an agreement between Loyalsock Township and South Williamsport to provide paid fire protection and rescue services for both municipalities. Each company is funded through existing fire taxes and township fees. SMART began with initial paid staff of five fully-trained firefighters and emergency medical technicians consisting of four full-time , 40 hours per week positions, Monday through Friday and includes one shared administrative position providing the administrative oversight for services administered under the SMART program.
The four full-time positions will be split in half with two separate firefighter crews, with one crew to be stationed at Loyalsock Township, and with the second crew to be stationed at South Williamsport Volunteer Fire Department. The joint agreement provides necessary personnel, training, and equipment required to supplement the participating fire companies with paid firefighters that will provide adequate fire protection and rescue services within the municipalities and mutual aid response zones. This cooperative fire agreement, meanwhile creates a legal mechanism to provide sufficient funding to the participating fire companies from participating municipalities and other third party sources. Agreement is a five-year cooperative agreement and could grow to bring in more municipal partners in the future.